Assalamu Alaikum, My name is Md. Nasimul Islam Rizvi. I am a second year student of Inter at Taragonj Horendra Narayan Uchcha Madhymic Bidyalaya. I have a passion for researching technology and learning new things.

I was born in Moktarpur village of Kaliganj upazila of Gazipur district. My father name is Aliullah and he is an assistant professor by profession at the same college where I study. He teaches Business Management. My mother name is Nur Akter Khanam and she is a homemaker. She takes care of our family and supports us in every way.

I have always been interested in technology since I was a child. I used to read books and magazines about different inventions and discoveries. I also liked to watch documentaries and videos about various topics related to science and technology. I was curious about how things work and why they work.

I started my education at Evergreen Kindergarten and Pre-cadet, where I spent seven years learning the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. I enjoyed playing with my friends and exploring the world around me. I passed the PEC (Primary Education Certificate) in 2016.

After that, I moved on to Taragonj Horendra Narayan Uchcha Madhymic Bidyalaya, where I completed my secondary education. I learned a lot from my teachers and classmates. I passed the JSC (Junior School Certificate) in 2019 and the SSC (Secondary School Certificate) in 2022.

One of the most memorable and meaningful experiences of my secondary school years was joining the scout movement. I became a scout in 2017 and remained active until 2022. Scouting taught me many skills and values that I cherish to this day, such as leadership, teamwork, discipline, service and patriotism. I had the opportunity to attend many camps, events and projects that broadened my horizons and enriched my life. Scouting also helped me to develop a sense of responsibility and confidence.

I am grateful for the education and scouting that I have received so far. They have prepared me for the next stage of my life. I look forward to pursuing higher education and continuing to serve my community and country as a scout.

I also took some skill development courses at 10 Minutes School, an online learning platform. I learned valuable skills such as email writing, student hacks, presentation and public speaking, math series and communication hacks. These courses helped me improve my academic performance and personal growth.

At present, I am studying first year of Inter at Taragonj Horendra Narayan Uchcha Madhymic Bidyalaya. I have chosen Humanities for my studies because I want to learn more about the social sciences and humanities.

I love researching technology and learning new things. I like to explore different websites, blogs, podcasts and online courses that offer useful information and knowledge about various aspects of technology. I also like to try out new software, apps and gadgets that can make my life easier and more fun. Some of my favorite topics are artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, web development and cybersecurity.

I want to help the people around me by using my skills and knowledge. I want to create solutions that can solve real-world problems and improve the quality of life for many people. I want to use technology for good purposes and not for evil ones. I want to contribute to the development of my society and my country.

I want to keep my family well by providing them with love, care and support. I want to make them proud of me by achieving my goals and fulfilling my dreams. I want to respect them and honor them for everything they have done for me.

I want to be self-dependent, honest, hardworking and a person who improves the society and the country. I want to be responsible for my actions and decisions. I want to be ethical and moral in everything I do. I want to be a good citizen who follows the law and respects the rights of others.